Cause, spread and prevention of typhoid

Causative organism : Salmonella typhi, a gram negative bacillus
Mortality is high in the elderly due to typhoid is due to their weakened immune system

Spread : Oro-faecal route
Mostly present in contaminated commercial animal food sources like chicken products and frequently present in eggs, raw milk
Asymptomatic carrier state in food handlers
The person with salmonella caused dirrhoea is a source for transmission to others

Prevention of Typhoid
Good Hygiene esp. hand washing before food handling.
Health care workers should take special care while handling bedpans, stool specmens and other objects of patients with typhoid.

Two types available: 
Ty21a (a live vaccine given by mouth)
Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine (an injectable subunit vaccine)

Newer vaccines such as Vi-rEPA seem promising

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